Associated JBoss community project(s): Apache Tomcat, Wildfly, Apache httpd and more upon discussion.
Teiid Translators for AVRO, Paraquet
Summary of idea:
Teiid (https://teiid.io) is Data Virtualization system that allows reading data from various different data sources and data types. The idea of this project is to extend the support for Apache AVRO, Apache Paraquet files on HDFS or in any other store. The Serializers and deserializers for these are already defined https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/avro.html and https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/parquet.html
Teiid has a concept called a Translator, one need to write a new translator(s) for above where they need to use these SerDes from these links and convert the data.
Knowledge prerequisite: Java, Spring Boot
Github repo: https://github.com/teiid
Skill level: Intermediate
Contact(s) / potential mentors(s): Ramesh Reddy, Steven Hawkins
Associated JBoss community project(s): Teiid