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Privacy Statement

Red Hat Jira and Confluence are covered by Red Hat's For more information about Red Hat’s privacy practices, please refer to the Red Hat Privacy Statement.

Red Hat Jira stores application cookies as defined in Atlassian's Jira application cookies documentation.

Red Hat Hat’s instance of Confluence stores application cookies as defined in in Atlassian's Confluence application cookies documentation.

Terms of use

Red Hat Hat’s instance of Jira and Confluence are covered by Red Hat's  Terms of use

Who can see my email address?

In Red Hat Jira, display names on public issues are publicly visible, but only logged in users can see email addresses.

In Red Hat Confluence, display names are visible, but email addresses are hidden from all users. 

Account Deletion

User accounts in Confluence can be deleted or disabled, according to . See Atlassian's Confluence documentation. However, as a matter of practice, user accounts are not deleted, as deletion will orphan existing data and affect database integrity. Instead, user accounts are deactivated. By request, these user accounts can also be anonymized.Confluence Delete or Disable Users documentation for more information. 

User accounts in Jira can be anonymized, disabled, or deleted, according to . See Atlassian's Jira documentation. However, as a matter of practice, user accounts are not deleted, as deletion will orphan existing data and affect database integrity. Instead, user accounts are deactivated. By request, these user accounts can also be anonymizedCreate, edit, or remove a user documentation for more information.

To understand how you can manage your account data or to request a change to your account status for Jira or Confluence, contact rh-issues@redhat.comcreate a support ticket here


If you are a Red Hat employee,


these documented Red Hat policies and best practices apply.