Skill level: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced
Contact(s) / potential mentorsmentor(s): MentorMentor(s) name and contact details
Outcome: The proposal will improve the usability and accessibility of Kiali while providing a new integration with the Backstage platform, enabling a broader range of users to interact with the Kiali tool.
Possible tasks features for this project:
- Adapt Kiali Wizards to new React purpose
- Work in the backstage plugin area to add new components.
- Developer community website to show stats
- Write documentation
To enhance this, we propose integrating a time series and regression-based models into Kruize. These models will analyze historical performance data to generate more proactive, data-driven recommendations. The integration of these models will improve predictive accuracy, enable real-time and batch data processing, and ultimately help users optimize their infrastructure more effectively.
Project FeaturesPossible features for this project:
- Collect historical usage data from Prometheus, perform feature engineering (e.g., smoothing, normalization, trend extraction) to enhance model accuracy.
- Store processed data efficiently for real-time and batch analysis.
- Implement and train a time series model (e.g., ARIMA, Prophet, or LSTM).
- Develop and evaluate a regression-based model (e.g., Random Forest, XGBoost).
- Compare their performance in terms of prediction accuracy, latency, and robustness.
- Integrate both models into Kruize to generate performance recommendations.
The innovative part of EAT is creating the test once and testing with any version of the tested software. It may be firstly applied for the JBoss Servers, but, in general, a similar structure, can be used for creating tests about any software with multiple versions or for multiple software programs that have a part of the testsuite in common. EAT is a project under the ΙΔΕΑ statement.
Possible tasks features for this project :
- extend the existing EAT testsuite with latest JBOSS Community server snapshot
- create an android mobile application tested with EAT
- create an example combining EAT with MiliLib (https://github.com/Lkop/MiniLib) regarding the deployment part, in order to use the minimal deployment code
- create an example of testing multiple mobile devices in parallel
- the contributors are welcome to make their proposals
Github repo: https://github.com/EAT-JBCOMMUNITY/EAT
Contact / potential mentorsmentor: Panagiotis Sotiropoulos (psotirop@redhat.com)
Associated JBoss community project: EATEAT (https://github.com/EAT-JBCOMMUNITY/EAT)
Transactuations in ArjunaCore
summary Summary of idea:
ArjunaCore, the transactional engine at the heart of Narayana, was originally developed as a university project to provide researchers with an elastic testbed for experimenting with multiple transaction protocols and abstractions. Today, Narayana leverages ArjunaCore’s flexibility to support a wide range of transaction types, from standard Jakarta Transactions (AKA JTA) to Long Running Actions (LRA), covering multiple use cases and scenarios.
The requirements of new technologies, such as microservices, IoT, and cloud computing have introduced interesting challenges that push the boundaries of transaction management. As a consequence, ArjunaCore/Narayana needs to be developed to support new transaction models. In this regard, an innovative concept is "Transactuations", which introduces a runtime system called Relacs to execute transactions that exclude the Durability property of ACID.
This project explores how ArjunaCore’s flexibility can be utilised to implement and expand the Transactuations abstraction, with a focus on applications in cloud environments.
Possible features for this project:
- Develop the Transactuation model in ArjunaCore
- Test performance of the new transaction model vs existing ArjunaCore's transactions
prerequisites: Distributed Transactions
Github repo: https://github.com/jbosstm/narayana
Project Size: Medium (~175 Hours)
Skill level: Intermediate
Contact / potential mentor: Manuel Finelli (jfinelli@redhat.com)
Associated JBoss community project: Narayana (https://www.narayana.io/)