
Technical writers are welcome to participate in the Google Season of Docs 2021 program with the JBoss Community!

JBoss Community is a community of open source projects. The community hosts a large number of projects that are written in various programming languages. The primary language is Java but there are also projects that are written in Ruby, PHP, Node and other languages. 

We have our project proposal published here: JBoss Community - Google Season of Docs 2021 Proposal




  • Ali Ok (aliok AT redhat DOT com)
  • George Zaronikas (gzaronikas)

Information for technical writers

Before you begin:

What you will lean:

  • Git workflows
  • Asciidoc
  • Docs-as-code methodologies
  • Interviewing and research skills + data analysis
  • Working in an agile environment to develop and improve documentation

What you will do:

  • There’s too much to sum up in a single bullet point. You will get opportunities to assist with content creation; help manage, maintain, and integrate our documentation set; do peer reviews and editing; work with PatternFly UX and microcopy writers to improve inline help. There are many different aspects where you can help out.
  • Work alongside Don, the primary technical writer for the Infinispan project, to figure out where to start and identify some doc tasks.
  • Ideally part of your contribution will be to help us improve consistency with terminology and style.


We have 2 potential mentors for this project. One of the mentors is a senior technical writer at Red Hat. The other mentor is an engineer who works with technical writers daily.

This is our first year applying to Google Season of Docs, however JBoss Community has been part of Google Summer of Code consecutively for 9 years. JBoss Community has also participated in Google Code-in in 2018. We have built a strong community and GSoC played an important role in that. Google Season of Docs admins in our community are the Google Summer of Code admins and they have experience in running these kinds of programs in JBoss Community.

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